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Set up a secure IRC with SSL, PAM auth and crypted salted passwords

ngircd with pam and ssl (strong ciphers)

– ngircd source – v21 minimal
– install libpam-passwd , libpam-dev and apache-utils (for htpasswd)

./configure –with=pam –with-openssl;make;make install
– create /etc/pam.d/ngircd:

auth required pwdfile=/usr/local/etc/ngircd.passwd
– create password file with crypt function and salt (!) as discussed here – NOTICE!! crypt() alone is insecure – you need to use that perl function to create crypt() passwords with a salt, I have not found a stronger hash function that works with Ngircd
– fix ngircd.conf with

PAM = yes
PAMIsOptional = no
– enable SSL and allow default strong ciphers (CipherList = HIGH:!aNULL:@STRENGTH)
– start ngircd and check /var/log/syslog and /var/log/auth.log
Sample config:

Name =
AdminInfo1 = Description
AdminInfo2 = Location
AdminEMail = admin@irc.server
;HelpFile = /usr/local/share/doc/ngircd/Commands.txt
Info = PragmaSEC IRC
Listen =
MotdPhrase = “Welcome to the PragmaSEC IRC server”
# Global password for all users needed to connect to the server.
# (Default: not set)
;Password = abc
PidFile = /var/run/ngircd/
ServerGID = irc
ServerUID = irc
ConnectRetry = 60
IdleTimeout = 60
MaxConnections = 500
MaxConnectionsIP = 10
MaxJoins = 10
MaxNickLength = 9
MaxListSize = 10
PingTimeout = 120
PongTimeout = 20
AllowedChannelTypes = #&+
AllowRemoteOper = no
;ChrootDir = /var/empty
;CloakHost =
;CloakHostModeX = cloaked.user
;CloakHostSalt = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
;CloakUserToNick = yes
;ConnectIPv6 = yes
;ConnectIPv4 = yes
;DefaultUserModes = i
DNS = no
Ident = no
;IncludeDir = /usr/local/etc/conf.d
MorePrivacy = yes
;NoticeAuth = no
OperCanUseMode = no
;OperChanPAutoOp = yes
OperServerMode = no
PAM = yes
PAMIsOptional = no
RequireAuthPing = yes
;ScrubCTCP = no
;SyslogFacility = local1
;WebircPassword = xyz
CertFile = /etc/ssl/certs/hodor-bundle.crt
;CipherList = SECURE128
;DHFile = /usr/local/etc/ssl/dhparams.pem
KeyFile = /etc/ssl/private/hodor.key
;KeyFilePassword = secret
Ports = 6667
;Name = TheOper
;Password = ThePwd
;Mask = *!

Name = #pragmasec
Topic = pragmasec
Modes = tnk
;Key = Secret
;KeyFile = /usr/local/etc/#chan.key
MaxUsers = 20
# -eof-