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Tag Archives: IPS

Smooth-Sec – a fully-ready IDS/IPS (Intrusion Detection/Prevention System) Linux distribution


Smooth-Sec is a fully-ready IDS/IPS (Intrusion Detection/Prevention System) Linux distribution based on Debian 7 (wheezy), available for 32 and 64 bit architecture. The distribution includes the latest version of Snorby, Snort, Suricata, PulledPork and Pigsty. An easy setup process allows to deploy a complete IDS/IPS System within minutes, even for security beginners with minimal Linux experience.

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1) Booting Smoothsec.


2) Language selection.

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3) Select a location.

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4) Keyboard setup.

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5) Hostname.

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6) Domain name.

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7) Disk partitioning.

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8) Confirm disk partitioning.

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9) Mirror country setup.

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10) Mirror location setup.

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11) Apt proxy setup.

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12) Grub installation.

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13) End of the installation.

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14) First boot login screen.

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15) First setup.

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